Learn The History Of Concrete
History Of Concrete tells the interesting history of concrete. It tells how it began to be used as a building material, where it went into its current form, and what are the current trends in its use. The book is comprehensive and extremely well written. It does not skip over important topics and includes them in an orderly fashion so that the reader does not get lost in any particular area. It also touches on some topics that others have not addressed such as the use of concrete for decorative items and the types of fillers used.
History Of Concrete starts with its origin story, which traces the evolution of concrete from the stone and clay soils of ancient India all the way through to the modern concrete of today. There is a short history of concrete in the Indian subcontinent. Ancient Indians built their houses primarily from clay but mixed the slabs with mud from the river beds. This mixture was fired in slow-fire furnaces to cure and harden into fine powder. When dry stones were allowed to cool, small mud cracks were produced and the houses were built accordingly. The first bricks were used by the ancient Egyptians, who employed the slabs as a means of building monuments.
Before the invention of cement, most buildings would consist merely of timber beams and walls. But as time went by, wood was replaced by lime and brick. As more people became interested in building homes, they discovered that lime and brick were too soft to construct substantial houses. They began constructing houses out of cement but added lime to make them more durable. In the early 8th century, the construction of what we know now as concrete began.
As the history of concrete revealed itself, it was soon discovered that it did not need lime or brick to strengthen it. That discovery led to the mixing of two different types of cement – sand and potting plaster. These two ingredients are combined in the shape of a mold, which is then left to dry in the kiln. During this process, a highly volatile chemical mixture known as ferric acid is formed. This chemical reaction occurs as the compound ferric oxide.
Because of this highly volatile compound, Europeans began using what is known today as Portland cement in the early 17th century. By the late 1800s, Portland cement began being referred to as “Roman cement,” because of its composition. Most of the cement that we use in the United States today is Portland cement and because of its composition is called “Romans cement.” The major difference between the Roman and modern cement is that while the Roman cement had been hardened by fire, the modern cement is hardened by exposing it to an acid solution, such as chlorine bleach.
Another major influence on the development of concrete is the volcano eruption that occurred near volcanoes in Chile, Mexico, and the Philippines in the last two thousand years. Scientists believe that the tremendous amount of pressure that was released during this eruption cooled the mud and rock of the volcano and allowed it to form into river rock that eventually became the first material that could be used for the making of concrete. The sedimentary rock was eventually mixed with sand and gravel from the beach and the ground sloped to form a smooth paste-like substance that was later hardened by slow evaporation. Today, this paste is still used as the primary material in Portland cement. Evaporated mud is continually added to the mixture to make it even more homogenous, which in turn produces even higher quality concrete.
The use of Portland cement in the United States has become a controversial topic due to questions about its environmental impact. Some worry that the high level of temperatures generated by the use of this Portland cement can release contaminants into the atmosphere. However, research has shown that the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by Portland cement are much lower than those produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Additionally, VOCs are not emitted when Portland cement is exposed to air. Because of this, the use of Portland cement and pre-stressed concrete is considered to be considerably green environmentally. In addition, the long life span of Portland cement makes it one of the more cost effective building and renovation options available today.
The development of reinforced concrete began around twenty years after the first attempts to build roads and other concrete structures using cement were unsuccessful. Much of the blame for this is placed on the inability of cement manufacturers to manufacture reinforced concrete properly. Cementers were forced to adopt a new process by which they could heat cement to the point that it reached the exact temperature needed to form the tough core-mix that is needed for reinforced concrete structures. Although this new construction process required some skill, it was much easier than the manual mixing that had been the norm prior to this development. By applying pressure to the mold in order to force the mixture into the desired design, engineers were able to create stronger structures using fewer materials. Although cement may seem like a simple material, the countless designs and variations in concrete make this material one of the strongest on earth. Keep on reading to learn more and if interested in concrete work visit our partners in Jacksonville reliable concrete contractors.
What Is Concrete
What is Concrete? Many of you have probably never heard this term, but I’m going to assume that you know the basic idea of what concrete is before moving on to the details of what it is. Basically, concrete is a mixture of coarse and fine aggregate bonded together with an oily fluid binding agent, which forms a sturdy material when hardened over time. Concrete is noted to be the third material most utilized in the western world after oil and water, and is also one of the earliest developed building materials used by man. You can check out our partners in Cedar Rapids when looking for a Cedar Rapids concrete company here!
The basic components of concrete include cement, sand, water and steel or rebar. Each component is mixed separately until the desired consistency can be achieved. Once blended properly, the concrete is then left to dry for the final stage of mixing. During this time, the cement solidifies into a paste-like substance while the fine aggregate settles to the bottom and the water starts to evaporate into the air. This complete process of drying takes several hours to complete. When looking for concrete contractors in Fargo contact Fargo Concrete Solutions at (701) 380-1394.
After the concrete has dried to a desirable consistency, the next step is to determine the desired properties of concrete. To begin with, fine aggregate, or concrete itself, must have the same basic ingredients to achieve its particular strength, hardness and level of load-bearing ability. By adding the necessary amounts of coarse gravel or rock to the cement, the desired properties of concrete are achieved. For example, fine aggregate concrete is generally stronger than the same amount of coarse rock, while rebar adds more strength to the finished concrete.
There are many reasons that make decorative concrete necessary even in hot weather. These reasons include the ability of these aggregates to support heavier weights without breaking or splintering, the ability to form shapes into any shape imaginable, as well as the ability to form into any color, texture or material. Some aggregates can be added during the mixing process, while others need to wait until after the concrete is poured. Depending on the specific application needed, it might be necessary to wait until after the concrete has dried completely before adding any additional aggregates.
The next step in the concrete mix preparation process is to decide whether to use loose or bag mix. While loose mix can provide the greatest amount of control, it can also result in staining due to its ability to soak up liquids and move the mix around easily. On the other hand, bag mix results in a more consistent and uniform texture. Most concrete suppliers suggest using a blend of both when mixing your concrete because a fine mixture of bag and loose gravel will form a harder final product. Bag mix is widely used for parking lots, swimming pools and industrial productions where uniformity is important.
Once the proper combination of aggregates has been determined, the mix is loaded into a hopper and then transferred to a barge to transport it to manufacturing facilities. Once at the facility, it is mixed with cement and sand to obtain the final product. From here, it is transported to constructions sites, power plants and other areas of heavy construction and maintenance where the concrete will be used to add strength and durability to concrete structures.